Friday, November 1, 2013

More Change Means Less Food

Everyone needs to make money, it is the one way they can provide for themselves and their family. With money, people buy houses, pay bills, they buy clothing, and buy food for their family as a way to show their love and respect for one another. But people take the amount of money they take in for granted. Many people in the U.S. each year go broke buy buying things that they feel like they need, even if they can't afford it. Every day, more and more people are left on the streets to starve. But buying things they can't afford isn't always their fault. Food prices go up and down on the charts every day. One day, bananas may cost $1.00 a pound, but then next, they may only cost $.50 a pound.  This roller coaster ride is due partly to climate change. In the article, "Climate Change Seen Posing Risk to Food Supplies", it says that "Climate change will pose sharp risks to the world’s food supply in coming decades, potentially undermining crop production and driving up prices at a time when the demand for food is expected to soar, scientists have found." If nothing is done to prevent Global Warming, soon, none of us will have food.

The article "Climate Change Seen Posing Risk to Food Supplies" by Justin Gillis can be found on the New Your Times link:

Scientists say that "They are already seeing the harmful effects in some regions." Climate Changes are caused when people release greenhouse gases (like CO2) into the air. This can also be referred to as the Greenhouse effect or Global Warming. Each year, we let out more and more green house gases, and every year the risk of food supplies increases. In the article it says that "The warning on the food supply is the sharpest in tone the panel has issued. Its previous report, in 2007, was more hopeful."
All the time, scientists do experiments to see how certain crops will react to the climate change. They see how well they will survive, and  how much they will produce with infinite amounts of Carbon Dioxide in the air. The groups of scientists that experiment with "main reports every five to six years."
To all the negatives, there is a positive. For Climate Change effect the food supply, the negatives are that there won't be enough food to supply people with and that the extreme weather conditions will result in animal extinction, the benefit would be that northern lands could produce more food than they do now, "On the food supply, the new report finds that benefits from global warming may be seen in some areas, like northern lands that are now marginal for food production." But the one positive doesn't cancel both or one of the negatives, instead that "global warming could reduce agricultural production as much as 2% each decade for the rest of this century." With the production rates decreasing by 2%, the demand rate for food is predicted to raise by about 14% as the population is growing. The United Nations predicts that by 2050, "9.6 billion, from our 7.2 billion today, will acquire to eat richer diets."
With the giant increase of people, will lead to an even bigger demand for food. But "Any shortfall would lead to rising food prices that would hit the world poor hardest as has already occurred from price increases of recent years." There will be more and more people to feed, and the average size of a person will increase.  Global food demand can be met in the future by putting new farms and new ranches to use. If this were to happen, it would  be good for the economy but terrible for the climate or environment, which is basically the main topic of this article. More and more people would get good paying, easy jobs that don't take that much work. But with a farm comes animals, and automobiles. Animals and automobiles together are very bad for the environment. Animals are constantly banging and pounding on the soil which kills the plants. Automobiles, like tractors, are also very bad for the environment because of the gas they need to work productively,  the smoke that comes out of them, as well as pounding all over the ground.
But it is never too late to change this Climate Change from happening. Although it may be costly and the changes wouldn't be seen for a few hundred years, people that are here now should be thinking about the future instead of getting caught up where it doesn't count. In the New York Times article, it says that "The document also finds that it is not too late for cuts in emissions to have a strong impact on the future risks of climate change, though the costs would be incurred in the next few decades and the main benefits would probably be seen in the late 21st century and beyond."
Life is too short to be made perfect. But it is your one shot to do something that counts and could be later known as life changing. Most planned out dreams do not come true, only a few do every now in then. So instead of failing over and over again at making your life perfect, why don't you set the future people up for success.
Teamwork is everything. You will find it being used in almost everything you do. Team work is basically impossible to escape. No matter how hard you try, people will be using teamwork. It separates tasks and activities into steps that are easy and capable of accomplishing. So why don't people make it easier for themselves and other people and use teamwork to provide for their family. In the end, money is still the most important thing right? Money , money, money, and more money. People need to stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about how you effect others.

Superheroes to the Moose's Rescue!!!

The Disappearing Moose by the Editorial Board of The New York Times, Published: October 16, 2013                       
Moose in the North America are now dying across North America due to warm climate change and  an eroding winter.  It is the sign of an entire ecosystem caught up in changes largely brought about by human activity.”  The dying of the Moose shows the readers of this article that because of human activity and pollution, innocent animals like Moose are almost going extinct.
 The article, “The Disappearing Moose” focuses on the extinction of Moose in North America.  Global warming is affecting more than just the rising of water levels.  It is also the cause of the extinction of animals.  Our wilderness is suffering and not many people know this. 

Research has pinpointed many reasons, but most reasons lead back to climate change and eroding winter.  Because of the weather warming; long autumns and early and moist springs are what winter fleas prefer.  These fleas cluster on moose causing the moose anemia, loss of appetite, hair loss, and weakening strength.  This gradually decreases the moose’s population as they slowly die.  In some other places, moose are endangered by liver fluke, parasitic disease, and brain worm.  Also the moose in British Columbia have lost their protective layer of skin thanks to the die-back of white pine forests.  These diseases were mostly because of the climate change and the warming of the climate. 
Data shows that the population of moose had decreased about 3, 500.  Because of the warming of our planet we are losing precious organisms to death.  As we learned in class, the planet is increasing in heat because of the amount of carbon dioxide in the air.  The carbon released into our atmosphere has no way of escaping.  The carbon acts like an insulation blanket around the earth.  Before, when the sun hits the earth, it bounces off.  Now, since the carbon acts like an insulation blanket, the heat hitting the earth is trapped there.  This is the reason the earth’s temperature is gradually increasing.
This dying of moose reminds me of The Lorax.  In the Lorax, the Once-ler opens up a factory to make “Thneeds”.  As the factory grow bigger, large amounts of oxygen is released into the air.  Because of the carbon in the atmosphere many animals start to lose their homes and slowly either die or move to a different place.  This connects to the moose dying because the carbon in the air resulted the warming of temperature.  The warming in the temperature caused the fleas to cluster on the moose and many epidemic diseases to kill them off. 
In school, I learned how and why global warming occurs and how the greenhouse gases are a main part of it.  In this article, I learned that animals are being affected by this.  I’ve always thought about polar bears and penguins being affected by the warming of temperatures.  I never really took a second to think about animals that roam in our very own state being in danger.  More people need to be aware of these disastrous events.  We also need to start taking actions to help save our animals before it is too late. 
To help, we all can do many things.  In class we learned three ways to decrease the amount of carbon being released into the atmosphere; 1. Conserving Energy 2. Maintaining our Forests 3. Develop Alternate Fuels.  So to conserve energy, we have to start doing what many people have told around us; “Turn of the lights!  Unplug the TV!  Don’t waste the water!”  We may not be able to stop the burning of forests and the burning of fossil fuels, but we can help with the small actions that may make the most differences.  Before it is too late, we should act as the superheroes so we can save species like the moose, wolves, and other animals being affected by the greenhouse gases and global warming. 
"Moose." National Geographic. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Nov. 2013. <

Decreasing the Life of the Earth One Tree at a Time

The article “Corruption in Peru Aids Cutting of Rain Forest” by William Neuman and Anita Zarate can be found in The New York Times. Link:
It is a known fact that deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest is a severe environmental issue. What may not be known is that most trees are cut down illegally. In the article listed above, it is stated that “as much as 80 percent of Peru’s logging exports are harvested illegally”, a statistic which would not be the same without corrupt government officials. These officials take bribes from loggers and allow them to get away with their illegal actions. If nothing is done to protect the rainforest in Peru all of the trees there will be gone before we know it.

According to an unidentified military officer who works to try to prevent logging, the problem is “uncontrollable”. Authorities are paid by loggers to approve or make false paperwork which allows the wood to be exported from the country. An environmental prosecutor, Francisco Berrospi, spoke of another prosecutor simply telling him to take the bribes offered to him and he would “get enough to build a house and buy a nice car.” Apparently, these authorities are not aware of the consequences which will occur because of their actions, or inactions, as they are watching the deforestation happening and not doing anything.

Clearly, something has to be done about this issue. If it keeps happening, it will not be for long, as there will be no trees left to cut. This reminds me of The Lorax, in the fact that the only way the Once-ler could see that what he was doing was wrong was seeing the Earth crumble. One company representing the Once-ler in reality is Lumber Liquidators. The flooring business has been linked to illegally-cut wood from around the world, in places such as Russia. And even though demand for floors will always exist due to the fact they exist in millions of houses worldwide, companies should not be using an amount more than what is legal. These precautions were set to protect the Earth, and the companies should learn before it is too late.

The deforestation of the rainforest may help a few companies in the money they make, but every organism on Earth is affected by the action. Trees and other plants are producers which perform photosynthesis, and are the basis of each food chain. With each tree that is cut down, there is less energy for each individual consumer, and for some there will not be enough. Also, when performing photosynthesis, producers use carbon dioxide and water to make glucose and oxygen. As they take in carbon dioxide, they are helping to reduce the amount of the greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, which causes global warming. They also release oxygen into the air, and with factories burning fossil fuels (a form of carbon) and trees being cut down, there will be less oxygen available.

Overall, something needs to be done. The people harming the environment, whether it is the authorities or loggers, need to be educated. According to Lucila Pautrat, director of the Peruvian Society for Eco-development, “There is a lack of interest, a negligence on the part of the authorities who regulate the forestry sector. And, meanwhile, the wood keeps going out.” What Pautrat is saying is important. Even if the problem is simply reduced (and not solved completely), it could keep being reduced over time until the issue is no longer relevant. Something new also has to be tried, as each attempt as of yet to stop the corruption has not worked. I do not agree that the problem is “uncontrollable”, as there is a solution to every problem. However, the world may simply have to wait until the problem becomes so bad that the deforestation simply has to stop.