Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Continuous Drop of Polar Bear Populations

     The Polar bear has become known as the mascot of climate change across the world. However this mascot isn't cheering for global warming; they're calling out for help to put a stop to it. People question whether Global warming will ever be stopped or if it will just go on forever. Which also brings up questioning of whether it's worth trying to save these endangered species.

     I read an article, "Polar Bear Populations Drop: Researchers Debate Methods of Preservation" by Catherine Griffin on February 20th, 2013, that explained ideas to try and help Polar Bears survive in the wild. Polar Bears have been struggling for survival in the wild for quite some time. But now they've been dealing with more trouble than ever. There are only 25,000 Polar bears left in the wild, which leaves researchers stuck thinking about how exactly they can save this species from extinction.

     This week, The Lincoln Park Zoo is holding "Polar Bear Awareness week" to try to raise awareness on how people can take part in saving this beloved animal. Andrew Derocher, a biologist and Polar Bear expert recently published a paper with many actions to save the Polar Bear. One of his ideas is to use helicopters to airdrop food near Polar bears to keep them from suffering from their lack of food. However this would cost, $32,000 dollars a day. Another idea, Andrew Derocher proposed included moving the Polar Bears further up north where there is less chance of ice melting and more availability of food. 

     Most researchers reactions to these suggestions is that they were costly, and simply just too unrealistic. As much as researchers want to help save this mammal, they need an idea that can immediately save these species where they are currently. The populations have been falling, and survival rates have lowered. As global warming goes on, ice caps will continue to shrink making it harder and harder for Polar bears to find a viable place for food.

     Ever since I was a little kid I would hear about projects going on trying to save Polar bears from extinction. When reading this article it sounded like researchers don't know whether to give up on an animal loved all over the world that they have been trying to save for several years now or to keep spending money to try and find a possible solution for this endangered species. 

     A quote from the article, "Whether realistic or not, though, all these methods highlight the fact that Polar Bears may soon no longer be present in the wild." opened up my eyes. Everyone is scared that the next generation won't get the opportunity to get to know these special animals like we got to. 

     When learning about global warming in Honors Biology class, I learned that there are so many things that people can do to save this species. The Greenhouse effect is trapped gas leads to global temperature rise, which can have disastrous effects on earth's environment. By this definition we can all relate to experiencing this upsetting fall in the population of Polar Bears. What researchers have a problem in doing the most is raising awareness to help people notice that there actions are the reasons why these disastrous effects continue to occur. Human activity such as, destroying forests and burning fossil fuels has lead to this significant change in climate. 

     In Conclusion, We all would hate to see these Polar Bears become extinct. If we want to see these beloved mammals stick around we have to start right now to try and raise awareness to not only save Polar Bears, but all endangered species suffering from Global Warming. This article has made me want to change my life to lend a helping hand and I hope it has made you want to reach out your hand as well. 



  1. Great job, Emma! Polar bears are amazing animals, that do not deserve to be extinct! Although we all want to save this unique species, I can see how scientists would not think of the ideas of dropping food from helicopters every day to prevent the bears from starving, as well as moving the polar bears further North, to be realistic. It is much more important for us to find a specific location where our furry friends are struggling, and try to save them there. What we can all do though, withhout having to worry about costly expenses and all, is definitely try to raise the awareness of global warming. If people take the initiative to cut down on the burning of fossil fuels, and deforestation, we could significantly see a much improved difference. These animals deserve to be a part of this world, and I believe that if we all try to raise awareness, these adorable animals could stick with us to the end. Your post was very persuasive, and you definitely got my attention. We can't let the polar bear population plummet any further.

  2. Emma, I really enjoyed reading your article. As Simran said above, polar bears are amazing animals. Without them, the food web would be affected significantly. However, I do not think they are worth $32,000 a day. Scientists need to figure out a better method to save these beloved mammals. Moving them further up north, is a better idea, but I am still unsure on how well that will work out. How will moving affect the polar bears? Until there is a definite solution, it is necessary that people take action and "go green." Overall, great job!


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