Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ivory and Blood.

Article Link:



The African Elephant is one of the most the most poached animals in the world and with prices of Ivory increasing up to $1,000 a pound in some countries, the amount of Elephant poaching has gone way too far.In the article  "Poachers Kill 11 Elephants in Kenyan Park" by Jeffery Gettleman (on the New York times
and published January 7, 2013), it explains how in Kenya how many Elephants were found dead with bullet shots and their ivory tusks taken, and poachers are clearly to blame. The article also explained that ivory demands are increasing, saying that "The price of elephant tusks has lured criminal organizations of every stripe into the poaching business, from impoverished hunters to sophisticated global syndicates". Also explained that African rebel groups are using self poached ivory to finance their armies.

In my opinion, hunting of any animal is wrong. And I think that more so with an endangered species. Not because they are better than non-endangered species, but because their days are numbed and  soon they won't be able to walk on this planet anymore. I understand that people are desperate for money and ivory pays bug bucks, but when it comes to murdering an endangered species, it's gone too far.

This topic relates to our biology because it shows how it effects the African ecosystem. It shows that when one species gets power over another, it can hunt it near to death. Also, if Elephants become extinct  it will drastically change the food chain in their ecosystem.


  1. I agree that killing elephants for their ivory is wrong. Elephants are a big part of Africa’s food web. When an organism becomes extinct it is permanently removed from the food web. This has a ripple effect on the entire ecosystem. I think if you went more in depth about exactly what would happen to the ecosystem your argument may be more convincing. Not only are Elephants a big part of the African ecosystem but they are also big amazing creatures that shouldn't be killed because they evolved long incisors.

  2. Great article Josh! I agree with what you said about how humans overpower all other species. We are the most mentally advanced species in the world, and sometimes that can be dangerous to other animals. Humans need to remember that animals could become endangered if this continues. I agree that hunting for leisure is wrong. Humans and guns can be a hazardous mix. Humans' careless behavior has resulted in population declinations in many other species, like whales and sharks. Hopefully humans will learn to be more careful before more species become extinct.
    I enjoyed reading your article, good job!

  3. Josh great article choice. I think killing elephants for their tusks is just sickening. It shows people will do anything now a day for a quick buck, even if it means jeopardizing the survival of elephants. Poaching needs to be enforced more in Africa to save these innocent animals. The poachers don't understand that one day, we will be negatively affected by the extinction of elephants.

  4. Nice job Josh! The article shows just how oblivious poachers are to the amount of harm they cause animals and their environments. They are killing an endangered species for quick money. In the long run, risking the consequence of getting caught is not worth the money made. I hope that poaching awareness is soon increased. The people who purchase the ivory should become more aware too. If they stop buying it, then poachers are not going to want to invest in the hunting. This could possibly save the elephants.

  5. I agree with you Josh, we shouldn’t be hunting endangered animals like that. Elephants are magnificent creatures that should not be hunted. A way to stop the poaching is to lower the price of ivory, so the poachers won't think it is worth it to kill elephants. Though Mia's idea would work as well. Either way, I hope that people would stop hunting and killing elephants, or any other creature, and just let them live freely.

  6. I think you picked a very interesting article Josh. I think this is a big problem nowadays and it is completely wrong. This just goes to show what people are willing to do to make money. This needs to be stopped because as you mentioned, African Elephants are an endangered species and it is not right to poach them just for their ivory.

  7. I totally agree with you Josh. Ivory sells for a lot of money which makes elephants endangered. I think its time that somebody steps in and stops the hunting of elephants before it too late. The governments in Africa could try to stop people from killing elephants or the United Nations should try to step in. I think someone somewhere has to find a solution to killing elephants.

  8. I agree with everything that you are saying. These poachers have absolutely no idea about the harm they are causing and that needs to stop. They don't understand that if you kill off some of the elephants, that affects other animals in the ecosystem too. You made good points acknowledging how they do it for the money, but that still does not justify what they are doing. Someone has to do something about this soon before it is too late.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This is a very good article Josh. I agree with that hunting of an African Elephant for it ivory is wrong and shouldn't be done. I also agree with how you said that when it comes to murdering an endangered species, its gone too far. Something should be done so these Elephants don't go endangered and they they won't be able to hunt for ivory for these elephants at all. Good job Josh!

    1. Thanks, I agree how you said poaching has gone too far, but I also think it shouldn't have happened in the first place.

  11. There are many things I think this article does very well. It does a great job of catching the readers attention with multiple pictures and a catchy title, and the article that coincides with these elements does not dissapoint. Elephant poaching has always been a touchy subject, and you do a great job of giving a great and somewhat unbiased view on the subject. It was definetly great to learn more as i had limited knowledge on the subject to begin with. Really nice job.

    1. Thanks, I had a little bias, with my environmental mind set and what not.

  12. Good job Josh, I hadn't realized how much African Elephants were at danger from poachers. I knew that they were an endangered species because they were hunted, but I didn't know that this was still such a major problem. I liked the quote that you used and you did a good job explaining it. Great post!

    1. About 15,000 to 21,000 Elephants are killed a year from Poachers, if you wanted to know an estimated amount.


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