Sunday, March 17, 2013

Oil Free Cars?

          I read the article, "Obama Seeks to Use Oil and Gas Money to Develop Alternative Fuel Cars" by John M. Broder published on March 15, 2013 in The New York Times. ( This article is about how President Obama proposed a two billion dollar plan to replace fossil fuels in vehicles with an alternative source. The president said, “The only way to really break this cycle of spiking gas prices, the only way to break that cycle for good, is to shift our cars entirely — our cars and trucks — off oil, it’s not just about saving money. It’s also about saving the environment." Replacing fossil fuels with natural gas wouldn't only help the economy, it would help the environment too. There wouldn't be as much pollution. The article also talks about how the money will be used to research potential cleaner means of powering vehicles like electricity, bio-fuels, and fuel cells. 
          Some people may think this is a waste of money but I personally think it's a great idea. The gas we use now pollutes the environment and contributes to global warming. If we could eliminate that pollution that would be a huge help to the environment. In biology class we learned about the story the Lorax and its true meaning. It's about how a lot of things humans do contribute to bad issues in the environment and cause change in the environment. If we keep doing those things it will become very hard to fix what we did. Cars have been polluting the air for so long and we can finally stop it now. We should take advantage of this opportunity and replace fossil fuels in our vehicles.  

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  1. Good Job Rachel! I do not think this is a good idea at the moment because we have such a high debt that we have to get out of before we think about making a billion dollar research into a new source of gas for cars. It will be a good idea for the future after were out of debt alittle more but not right now. Good job Rachel!

  2. Great job Rachel! I didn't hear about what Obama had proposed, but now that I do know from reading your article, I can honestly say that I 100 percent support him. He is being brave enough to throw this idea out there, even if it may seem ridiculous and very expensive. However, people need to realize that after all these years of our air being polluted, it is going to take a lot of money for us to prevent it from continuing, let alone reverse all the pollution we have caused. Hopefully what Obama plans to do will be passed! Overall, great job!

  3. Rachel, great article choice. I agree with Barack Obama that oil free cars should be made. America doesn't recognize how much money we can save if an invention was made. According to the, the average American spends $2,000 annually on gas. An alternative fuel could save millions of dollars a year in America and the environment. All in all a new and cheaper fuel is a great choice for America.

  4. Great article Rachel! I hadn't heard this yet, but I'm glad that these cars would help out with our environment. I've heard of there being oil free cars, but unfortunately I've heard all of them get bought by the big oil companies because it could reduce the profit that they make with everyone buying gas for their car. Even if this plan does cost a lot of money, it will pay off in the long run because we'll have cleaner air in the future and it will hopefully stop a lot of or even reduce global warming. Overall, great job on your article I found it really interesting.


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