Saturday, March 9, 2013

Will we ever know what goes through our mind?

                In the article “The Next Frontier Is Inside Your Brain”, by Philip M. Boffey from the New York Times(link is at end of page), Boffey explains to his readers that there is so much information scientist are still trying to find out about our brain we can only take it one step at time. He talked about how scientists are doing research on animals first before going up to the big leagues and performing these experiments on the human brain. Even president Obama thinks the brain is so important to try and understand that the Obama administration is taking steps towards a multiyear research project to gain more in-depth knowledge of the human brain. Boffey mentions what this project is going to focus on, in his own words he says “The ultimate aim, probably not reachable for decades, is to answer such fundamental questions as how the brain generates thoughts, dreams, memories, perception and consciousness-and to find ways to intervene and influence such brain activities.”  Everything that he mentioned are concepts that many of us are curious about. If scientist did find the answers to these questions we would have a greater knowledge of what is going on all the time inside of our head.

                To be able to know why I had a certain dream three nights in a row, or why I can’t remember notes from what I studied last night but I can remember the lyrics to a song I haven’t listed to in a year would be really interesting and helpful for myself and I believe many other people. I can’t even imagine being able to control my own thoughts or dreams as well! I think if scientists could figure out how to do that people would be very interested since it could be used in everyday life, especially in school. If we could all get ourselves to only focus on one class at a time for 56 minutes I think we would do a lot better and learn a lot more. I find the way our brain works very interesting, and I found it interesting that in the article Boffey explained how they can find out what animals are dreaming about by recording which neurons are activated during the dream. Reading this article made me even more curious about what else our brain can do that we may never know. I think the fact that president Obama is planning on funding research on the brain is a great idea since we won’t only learn more about ourselves but we could also cure many disease like the ones mentioned in the article such as: depression, schizophrenia, dementia, autism, stroke, and Parkinson’s would be amazing and save many lives. Overall, I believe that many great new discoveries could come from this research that could be life changing for all of us.



  1. The fact that the Obama administration is helping to fund this is pretty amazing. It's a step forward in understanding psychology. Instead of just blindly administering medicines for mental illnesses, without exactly knowing the underlying brain chemistry and structure, we can figure out specifically what to do. Mental health cures can be really inconsistent, because people's brains are always changing, but if we know how the brain works in these altered states we can make cures way more accurate. Being able to create faster and more standard treatments for people's mental ailments would save a lot of time and a lot of lives for the patients.

  2. I thought that this article was very interesting. Mainly because one of my uncles had schizophrenia, and another had Parkinsons disease. Although they both recently passed away, It would have been interesting to see all of types of things that went on inside of their brains(especially schizophrenia. And I hope that Obama does go through with this plan because I dont want people to go through what my uncles had to. These diseases are underestimated as to how bad they are. If scientists found out how to cure them it would be amazing. It would also be cool to control how your brain focuses also. But I think it would be more of a breakthrough for the disease part.


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