Monday, March 10, 2014

Fracking can be changed, if we are willing to do so

I read the article Strong Rules on Fracking in Wyoming Seen as Model written by Kate Galbraith for the New York Times on the subject of the new Fracking laws put in place in Wyoming

Fracking is one of the most important ways of obtaining fossil fuels for fuel companies. Fracking brings in lots of money for the fuel companies but the environmental dangers that go along with it are just as costly to our environment as the fuel the companies are getting is wealthy. But companies and the government are starting to realize the effects that fracking has on the environment and rules are starting to be put in place to help stop some of it's effects on the environment, while still allowing this form of drilling to still take place.

You may ask, what is fracking? Fracking is a form of drilling that obtains the fuel/oil and gas by drilling deep into the ground, and then obtaining fuel from shale rocks. After the drill drills deep enough, it moves horizontally across the shale rock. After a high power water/ sand/ chemical solution is shot at the shale rocks causing the shale rocks to "fracture" and allow the valuable fuel and oil escape from inside them. After the fuel pumps up and out of the well and flows out of the top of the well, which it is then obtained.

But fracking has major impacts on the environment and that is why reforms to it's process are starting to be put in place. Wyoming was the second state to adopt tougher regulations on how much gas and oil is allowed to emit into the wild from fracking and Wyoming is also the first state to adopt even tougher standards on fracking, especially testing the water around the fracking site, before and after it takes place to see how the fracking had effected the water.

Fracking's effect on the environment can be dangerous to both the water and it's animals as well as the environment around it. Fracking is known to cause earthquakes between a magnitude of 1-2. Well this may seem as small earthquake it can still have the potential of effecting the trees and people around the area of the fracking from these earthquakes. Fracking can be dangerous to the environment and it's water as well from the gases and chemicals it can give off. The chemicals that are mixed with water and sand that are shot into the water can also leak out from the ground or the pump and runoff into near by waters or soil, polluting the area and causing serous effects to the environment around it. Also the chemicals that are used are not forced by law, to be available to the public because companies competitors could steal their chemical formulas and use it in their own drilling solutions. But now there is a case being heard in court about changing this and making it a law for the companies to undisclose the chemicals being used to the public so that they know what is being put into the environment through fracking.

Fracking directly relates to biology class along with the movie The Lorax. In The Lorax the Lorax tries to stop the factories from polluting the water, but they didn't listen to the Lorax and all of the fish in the lake left to go to a better place. This is just like what is happening with fracking the chemicals and fuels that are involved in fracking are effecting the environment, and the effects that they have with the environment needs to be monitored more closely to ensure that they aren't effecting the environment drastically, and if they are they must be regulated to ensure that the environment surrounding the area of fracking isn't hurt by the fracking that takes place, and to ensure the animals and plants in the area are safe as well, before any huge damage takes place.

Fracking is a very important industry to our country and it can't just go away without the effects of it hurting the fuel business and our countries economy. But monitoring it's effects on the environment and it's life can give us a better understanding of how we can make it a safer business. Through these new laws being made in Wyoming a blueprint for how our country understands and enforces fracking can be put in place. These new laws being made in Wyoming may seem small now but some day it can be looked back on, as a step towards a better environment and a better world.


Galbraith. Kate. Strong Rules on Fracking in Wyoming seen as model. New York Times. New York Times. Accessed 3/10/14.

What is fracking and why is it so controversial?. BBC. BBC News. Accessed 3/10/14.


Picture of Fracking. Drawing. Bigger Pie Forum.

1 comment:

  1. Great Post. Before I read this post I was unsure what fracking really was. This post gave me a very good definition, what is happening to the environment by doing it, and what we can do to change it for the better. I liked how you compared it to the Lorax. I thought that was very creative. Keep it up!


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